Popular Services

To request assistance for the maintenance and care of BHSU Buildings.

Use this service to request assistance from the Help Desk

Request specialty software to be purchased for installation on your BHSU-owned devices.

Request assistance with activating or resetting your Duo account

Request assistance for an account activation or a password reset

Request assistance for the Campus Alert System


Use this service for D2L service offerings


Install or request assistance with VPN

Report an issue or request assistance with connectivity to the campus wireless (Wi-Fi) signal.

Use this service to request assistance connecting to the wireless (Wi-Fi) or wired (Ethernet) network in the Residence Halls.

Classroom equipment Issues, software Installs, and video conference requests

Request Assistance with the recycling or disposal of electronic waste owned by BHSU.

Request assistance with Campus Hardware

Request video conferencing equipment, projectors, PA systems

Install or Reload a computer for Faculty or Staff member

Buzz card troubleshooting such as door access, events, meal plans, purchase issues, refill station

Install or Reload a computer for Faculty or Staff member

Request Assistance with Software on a Campus Computer

Troubleshooting help for any Computer Lab on Campus

Need to be given permissions to a share or admin rights

Install or Reload an iPad for a Faculty or Staff member

Users looking to add or remove an additional phone line to their office phone unit. User needs VoIP phone assistance

Request for an Ethernet port to be activated or report an issue with the wired network.

Use this service to request assistance with an event setup

Request Assistance with Druva.