Grants & Sponsored Programs

Articles (8)

Cayuse Sponsored Programs

Step-by-Step instructions for how to create a proposal in Cayuse Sponsored Projects and route it for review.

Creating a compliant NSF biosketch in SciENcv

A tutorial on using SciENcv to create a compliant biosketch and current & pending support document that must be submitted with NSF grant proposals.

Finding Grants and Funding

A list of potential funding sources for new grant-seekers.

Grant Writing Resources

Resources intended to help new grant writers get started.


An introductory guide to using InfoED SPIN to locate grant opportunities.

Institutional Information Needed for Grant Proposals

Institutional information that is often required for grant proposals.

Request for Payroll Correction (PHAREDS)

Link to download the Request for Payroll Correction (PHAREDS) for grant-funded personnel.