Logging into MyBHSU/SNAP


How do I log into my SNAP Portal?

Where do I log in to my SNAP Portal?


  • Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari


This Portal is a Self Service system that allows you to log into a secure website.  SNAP accounts are created for Faculty and Staff once payroll documentation is submitted to HR.  Student accounts are created after being accepted to BHSU.

Username and password is your BHSU email address and password. 

  1. Go to SNAP
  2. Enter in @yellowjackets.bhsu.edu email
  3. Enter university account password
  4. Log In


  1. Go to BHSU.edu
  2. Select the 9 squares in the top right corner of your screen
  3. Select "MyBHSU/SNAP"
  4. Enter in university credentials (i.e. @yellowjackets.bhsu.edu and password)
  5. If you cannot log in, try logging in to Account Login/Password Reset to verify login credentials  or Reset your password

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Fri 3/18/22 11:01 AM
Wed 6/12/24 3:44 PM

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