How to Connect to BHSU-Secure


Use this article for instructions on how to connect to the BHSU-Secure Wi-Fi



How do I connect to the campus Wi-Fi with my BHSU account?
How do I connect to BHSU-Secure?


Spearfish and Rapid City Campus

Wireless Networks:

  • BHSU-Secure  

Device Operating Systems:

  • Windows OS
  • MacOS
  • iOS
  • iPadOS 
  • Android
  • ChromeBook


I'm new a new Student, Faculty, or Staff member on campus and would like to connect to the WiFi.
I changed my password and need to reconnect.
I got a new device.  


If you have a BHSU account, you will be able to use your BHSU credentials to connect to a couple different Wireless Networks on campus: BHSU-Secure and eduroam.

If you are visiting another University, and see eduroam as an availible option, you may use your BHSU credentials to connect to it.  

Guest visiting our Campus, will want to connect to BHSU-Guest or eduroam.

  • eduroam is only availible for Students enrolled at participating Universities.
    To check if your University is participating, please go to: eduroam's "Where" section of their Website, and navigate through your country to find your School.
  • BHSU-Guest is availible to any user who creates an account with their email or phone number.

BHSU-Secure - How to Connect Guides:

Depending on your Device, the steps you'll take to get connected may look slightly different.
Please make sure to click into the appropriate guide for your device.

+ Windows OS 

How to Connect to BHSU-Secure on a Windows Laptop or Desktop

  1. In the Lower Right of your screen, Within System tray, Click into the Wifi or No Internet Connection Icon.  

  2. Click on BHSU-Secure

  3. Sign in with your BHSU Credentials and click on OK
    • Your Username will be your BHSU email up until the @ symbol would use John.Doe
    • Your Password will be your BHSU account password
  4. If prompted to Continue Connecting, click on Connect

  5. It will now appear as if you are connected, but you will still not have any Internet connection

  6. Your Default Web Browser should then prompt you to Install a Policy Key, Click on Download Now

    If you were not prompted to Install the Policy Key, open up a browser and go to
    (If you already have the Policy Key Installed; should forward you to
  7. After the Policy Key is done downloading, go to your Downloads Folder, and Run the installer as an Admin 
    1. Click on Install; the installer will then disappear for a moment,
    2. Once it pops back up, Click on Finish ​​​

    3. Go back to your Web Browser and Click on I'm done installing
      You should then be redirected to
  8. It typically takes up to a few moments before the Policy Key is fully recognized, but you should be connected and good to go now. 

+ MacOS 

Important Notes Before you Start: 

  • Rosetta is required for you to be able to install the Policy Key 

How to Connect to BHSU-Secure on a Mac or MacBook

  1. In the Upper Right, within the Menu Bar, click into the Wifi icon

  2. Click on BHSU-Secure

  3. Enter your BHSU Credentials and Click on OK 
    • Your Username will be your BHSU email up until the @ symbol would use John.Doe
    • Your Password will be your BHSU account password
  4. You will then be prompted to Verify Certificate, Click on Continue
    If Prompted; Provide Admin Credentials 

  5. It will now appear as if you are connected, but you will still not have any Internet connection

  6. Your Default Web Browser should then prompt you to Install a Policy Key, Click on Download Now

    If you were not prompted to Install the Policy Key, open up a browser and go to
    (If you already have the Policy Key Installed; should forward you to
  7. After the Policy Key is done downloading, go to your Downloads Folder within Finder, and Open/Run the installer
    1. Click on Contiue x2
    2. Click on Install
    3. Provide Admin Credentials
    4. Click on Done and Move to Trash

    5. After you're done installing the Policy Key, Go back to your Web Browser and Click on I'm done installing
      You should then be redirected the 

  8. It may take a moment to load, but you should be good to go now.

+ iPhone 

How to Connect to BHSU-Secure on an iPhone

  1. Pull down from the Upper right for the Control Center, and tap into the Wifi Icon
  2. Select BHSU-Secure

  3. Enter your BHSU Credentials and tap on Join
    • Your Username will be your BHSU email up until the @ symbol would use John.Doe
    • Your Password will be your BHSU account password
  4. You will then be prompted to Trust or Cancel a Certificate, tap on Trust

  5. It may take a moment to load, but you should be connected and good to go now

+ Android 

How to Connect to BHSU-Secure on an Android

  1. Pull down into the menu and select the WiFi Icon
  2. Select BHSU-Secure

  3. Make sure to set the options for each Setting listed below and click/tap on Connect 
    • EAP Method: PEAP
    • Phase 2 Authentication: MSCHAPV2
    • CA Certificate: "Don’t Validate" or "Do Not Check"
    • For Identity, Anonnymous Identity, and Password: 
      Enter your BHSU Credentials and Click on OK
      • Your Username for Idenitity and Anonnymous Identity
        will be your BHSU email up until the @ symbol would use John.Doe
      • Your Password will be your BHSU account password
  4. It may take a moment to load, but you should be connected and good to go now

+ ChromeBook 

How to Connect to BHSU-Secure on a ChromeBook

  1. In the Lower Right of your screen, Within the System tray, Click into the Wifi Icon
  2. Select BHSU-Secure

  3. Make sure to set the options for each Setting listed below and click/tap on Connect 
    • EAP Method: PEAP
    • Phase 2 Authentication: MSCHAPV2
    • CA Certificate: "Don’t Validate" or "Do Not Check"
    • Subject Fields: Leave Blank
    • Domain Suffix Match:
    • For Identity and Password: 
      Enter your BHSU Credentials and Click on OK
      • Your Username for Idenitity and Anonnymous Identity
        will be your BHSU email up until the @ symbol would use John.Doe
      • Your Password will be your BHSU account password
    • If you intially fail to connect, try filling in the Anonnymous Identity the same as the Identity field
  4. It may take a moment to load, but you should be connected and good to go now

Please submit a ticket if you need further assistance



Article ID: 6
Thu 3/17/22 6:22 PM
Tue 1/7/25 4:50 PM

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Use this service to request assistance connecting to the wireless (Wi-Fi) or wired (Ethernet) network in the Residence Halls.
Report an issue or request assistance with connectivity to the campus wireless (Wi-Fi) signal.