Windows 11 Update


Microsoft has announced that it will no longer support Windows 10 after October 14, 2025. For security reasons, BHSU will also discontinue support for all Windows 10 devices beyond this date.
If you are unsure if a device supports Windows 11, submit this service request to have us check the device. 

For Devices that Support Windows 11

  1. Submit this Service Request and bring the device, with any power cables, to the Help desk if possible, or you can arrange to have us pick it up for you.
  2. We will update it to Windows 11. Please allow up to a few days for us to complete this process.  

For Devices that do not Support Windows 11

  • If the Device is still in use: You can use it up until October 14 2025, after which we’ll collect them for recycling and assist with any data transfers if necessary
  • If you are unsure if a devices supports Windows 11 or not: Submit this Service Request. 
  • If you are sure it does not support Windows 11 and are done using it, submit a Computer E-Waste Form.  

We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we work together to ensure a smooth and secure transition to Windows 11.


Help to ensure that our University follows cybersecurity standards by keeping up to date with supported Operating Systems. 

Available To


Policies and Procedures

Planned Obsoletion:
On October 14th 2025 Microsoft will be ending support for Windows 10. For security reasons BHSU will be following suit. Any Windows 10 device unable to run Windows 11 come October 14th 2025, will be considered Obsolete and will need to be prepped for E-waste. If you have any Windows 10 device that is unable to run Windows 11, Please fill out the Computer E-Waste Form.

Windows 11 Update Request


Service ID: 49
Mon 7/1/24 12:28 PM
Sat 7/6/24 11:03 AM