Submitting Facilities Services Work Order Requests


How to submit a Facilities Services work request.



How do I submit a Facilities Services work order request?
Where is the Work Request Form?
Can Students submit a work request? 


  • Jacket Connect


​All Faculty, Staff and Students have access to submit a service request. If your issue is an Emergency please contact Facilities Services directly at 605-642-6244. ​​​

Click here to fill out the work Work Request Form

Only Students who are staying in Resident Halls may submit a Work Request Form.
If you are a Student who does not stay in a Resident Hall, but notice an issue on campus, please call Facility Services at (605) 642-6244

You will be able to find the following Guides on this page. 

~ How to Find the Work Request Form ~

  1. Navigate to Jacket Connect and click on Services within the Green bar at the top  

  2. Once there, you may need to scroll down a bit and click the Facilities Services category
  3. Then click on Work Request
  4. This page will give you can overview of the Work Request Service offered by Facility Services. Once you are ready to submit a request click on Work Request Form in the upper right of the Work Request Article. 

  5. If you are not signed in; you will be promted to sign in. Log in with your BHSU credentials
    • Username is your BHSU Email
    • Password is your BHSU password
      Note:  If you encouter issues while logging in, please take a screenshot of the error and fill out an Account Assistance Form
  6. Once you are signed in; You will be greeted with the Work Request Form

~ Faculty and Staff - How to fill out the form ~


  1. Verify the information that autofills in the Name and Acct/Dept field are correct.

  2. Title of the Work Request can be an overview of what the issue is

  3. Make sure to select your are Faculty or Staff.

  4. Select who your Department Chair or Supervisor is

  5. Select the Work Request Type

    1. General maintenance repair requests will be assigned according to priority within 24 - 48 hours.

    2. Non-maintenance work requests should be submitted a minimum of 7 days in advance of the desired Project Start Date, and include a Target Completion Date

    3. Emergency work requests for plumbing or electrical problems should be directed immediately to Facilities Services 605-642-6244.​​​ 
  6. Provide a Breif Description of the Work Request

  7. Select the Building and the Room for where this Work Request will take place.

  8. Please attach any photos if you can.

    1. DO NOT TAKE PHOTOS: If the issue is taking place in a restroom or lockerroom

  9. Fill out your Department's FOAP,

    1. Some requests may require your Department Chair's approval for funding. Please contact your supervisor if you are unsure of whether you should be submitting a request.

  10. Click on Submit Work Request once you have supplied the neccesary information. 

~ Students - How to fill out the form ~


  1. Verify the information that autofills in the Name field is accurate and that you are put into the Student Acct/Dept.

  2. Title of the Work Request can be an overview of what the issue is

  3. Make sure to select your are a Student.

  4. Select the Work Request Type; If you are unsure which option to select, choose "Maintenance and Repair"

    1. General maintenance repair requests will be assigned according to priority within 24 - 48 hours

    2. Non-maintenance work requests should be submitted a minimum of 7 days in advance of the desired Project Start Date, and include a Target Completion Date

    3. Emergency work requests for plumbing or electrical problems should be directed immediately to Facilities Services 605-642-6244.​​​ 
  5. Provide a Breif Description of the Work Request

  6. Select the Building and the Room for where this Work Request will take place.

  7. Please attach any photos if you can. 

    1. DO NOT TAKE PHOTOS: If the issue is taking place in a restroom or lockerroom

  8. Click on Submit Work Request once you have supplied the neccesary information. 

Please contact Facilities if you have any questions or concerns. 
Please submit a Work Request Form if you need assistance. 



Article ID: 325
Fri 5/26/23 12:51 PM
Wed 7/3/24 6:20 PM