BHSU Faculty Resources



University Policy
It is the policy of Black Hills State University, in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, to ensure that no qualified person shall, solely by reason of disability, be denied access to, participation in, or the benefits of any program or activity operated by Black Hills State University. Each person who has met the academic and technical standards for admission to or participation in university programs shall receive the accommodations needed to ensure equal access to educational opportunities, programs, and activities. Reasonable accommodations are those that do not fundamentally alter the nature of the program, that can be provided without undue financial or administrative burden, and that can be provided without lowering academic and other essential performance standards.


  • Disability Services
    At Black Hills State University, it is the student’s responsibility to identify and request accommodation in a reasonable and timely manner. The process outlined to establish and maintain accommodation involves pre-planning, planning, and follow-up steps. In addition, the request for accommodation must be supported by appropriate and thorough documentation. Black Hills State University follows guidelines dictating the provision of appropriate documentation of disability and the confidentiality of this information.
    In addition to accommodation planning and follow-up, the Disability Services Office
    provides students with the following direct services:

  • Determination of individual learning styles, associated skills, and strategies.
  • Guidance in the development and effective use of self-advocacy skills.
  • Training and access to assistive technology software in an accessible lab.
  • Referrals to additional support are available at Black Hills State University.


BHSU Faculty/Staff Resources


  1. Questions for the Disability Services Coordinator can be addressed by calling 605.642.6099, stopping by the Disability Services Office on the Second Floor of the E.Y. Library and Learning Center, Room #240, or by email.


A couple of valuable resources for post-secondary institution faculty, administration, and staff are below:


1). Fast Facts for Faculty - The Ohio State University Partnership Grant

"The Fast Facts for Faculty publications are information briefs designed to help college and university instructors improve the climate and quality of education for students with disabilities. Through focus group discussions, both faculty and students provided a number of recommendations to enhance the teaching-learning process within the classroom. The Fast Facts were developed in response to these recommendations and suggestions. It is important to remember that the pedagogical recommendations included in the Fast Facts are not only helpful for students with disabilities but are also good teaching practices that are useful for most of your students."

The Faculty Room website. The Faculty Room is a place to learn about how to create classroom environments and activities that maximize the learning of all students, including those with disabilities. The following areas and/or issues are frequently faced by post-secondary educators and are addressed on The Faculty Room website.

Accommodation strategies

Rights and responsibilities

Faculty resources

Interactive faculty presentations

DO-IT Prof Project

Resources for staff and administrators

  • Another valuable resource for faculty, administration, and staff is the website for AHEAD (Association on Higher Education and Disability). AHEAD is an international, multicultural organization of professionals committed to full participation in higher education for persons with disabilities. The Association is a vital resource promoting excellence through education, communication, and training. The following areas are addressed on the AHEAD website:

    • Recent court decision
    • OCR perspectives
    • Publications
    • Resources
    • Student scholarships
    • Job listings
    • Training
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Article ID: 535
Thu 8/1/24 9:59 AM
Fri 8/2/24 9:26 AM